Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wild Rumpus Party!

Let me start by saying a big, fat SORRY {to myself!}!! I had planned to write this post about a month ago...then again I promised myself I was going to keep up with my blog in January.... Well either way here is my birthday party post!

Theme: "Where The Wild Things Are" - This year I figured it would probably be the last birthday party I could solely decide on Eli's 'theme' and with WTWTA being one of my favorite childhood books and now one of his; there was no contest. I love books and I am so blessed that my son does too. Before his third birthday he already memorized all the words to WTWTA and would walk around the house roaring like Max. Heart melted. I also love how the whole book theme ties back into my baby shower where instead of cards guests brought me books to start his collection and today he has over 120 different bedtime stories to chose from!

Place: River Legacy Park has an awesome playground that looks like it's actually a forest. We rented the pavilion closest and let the kids start a wild rumpus! I also packed kites, balls, chalk, and bubbles for the littles but it ended up being a big hit with some of the older ones as well.

Food: One of Eli's favorite foods is hot dogs so we did a hot dog bar or "Wild Dogs!" Buns & hot dogs were purchased in bulk so that saved some and instead of standard plates I found 1000 concession stand "boats" for only $5!!!

My grand total is a little more than I had planned, but everything came out perfect to me and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Invites - I opted for postcards which saved on envelopes and stamps! The front design was from GoodHue Designs!
Decorations - It was super windy so my table clothes, streamers, balloons, and signs didn't get to make a big impression! {Turns out most 3 year old don't really care though}
The Wild Dogs banner was made by two of my very talented cousins!! & in the background is the cutest paper banner [used in his Birthday Photos too!] made out of pages from Where the Wild Things are!
On the table I printed out different ways to make hot dogs and had gold crowns instead of party hats.
Here's a view of the playground from our pavilion
Loved these trays!! Super cheap and cute.
Cake - Seriously, fell in love with it.
Bottom layer: Chocolate with chocolate mousse, Middle: Strawberry with strawberry filling, Top: Vanilla with vanilla mousse! I cheated this day and ate a piece of the chocolate, it was worth it.
I wanted a "simple" cake and loved the idea of symbols instead of the actually characters from the book. The crown is actually made out of clay!
Details make my heart happy.
He also had his own personal chocolate cake with chocolate mousse! The Max figurine on top is made out of clay as well and I'm so happy she mentioned this because I love keepsakes. [I have the topper to my baby shower cake too!]
I ordered these Mommy&Me shirts from Little Treetops

Favors - I am so lucky to have so many talented friends. One of my friends made Eli's Max costume he wore in his birthday pictures and another one hand painted all 100 of his party favors!! They were sugar cookies with the Wild Things faces; I wish I had more pictures of these but just know they were delicious AND beautiful.
Another thing I didn't get a picture of was his signed copy of Where The Wild Things Are! All his guests signed and wrote notes to him; something I will cherish forever.
All in all his third birthday was kept pretty simple, but he had a blast! It was a perfect day at the park and it was awesome to be able to see all of our friends. After hours and hours of planning I am so happy with the way our little party turned out and from all the pictures it looks like Eli was too!
.Cookie Favors and Packaging: Sweet Ginger
.Paper Pendent Banner: One Crafty Foxx
.Location: River Legacy Parks
Inspiration: Hours on Pinterest +



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Such an interesting share about the Wild Rumpus Party. I am really happy to have these details here. Anyways, I also want to host a grand party for my son’s birthday but it will be impossible to host at our home so will require booking the rental party venue NYC.
